Aug. 2023
BAWB Regular Monthly Meeting
6:30 Pm Networking Begins – So Come Early if you can
7:00 Pm the Formal Meeting starts and ends by approx. 9:00 Pm
Thursday August 17th,2023
Are you having trouble finding deals that make sense today? At the top of the last market, I paid all cash for a house that I thought was a bargain. Unfortunately market conditions changed, prices plummeted and I ended up selling for a large loss. It was an expensive seminar.
The housing market has been ON and OFF but lately has been recently ON as it has been for many years in many markets. We may have many more, but as we near the top, buying correctly, with the right structure, paperwork, and without liability for debt becomes more important.
*How is Bidenomics Treating you?
*Are you Dealing with Rising Interest Rates…
*Will ever changing Rules,Regulations, & Laws that affect your money
*Who are the parties that REALLY allow you to put deals together
*What are so called “paper” people frighten of?
*Rather than Predict…Prepare!
*What is often the BEST time to Buy a Deal out of MLS?
*Are you Buying Properties SUBJECT TO existing Debt?
Which type of Loan do you NEVER want to buy SUB 2
*Why Paying INTEREST Might be Better!
*Who is your BEST source of Financing?
*WHo is your BEST source of Financing when Starting out?