Company Name:
IRA Resource Associates, Inc.
Web Site Link:
Contact Person: Greg Bischak
Contact information:
Bay Area Phone: (650) 342 6788
Corporate Phone: (360) 834 6689
Fax: (360) 834 7484
Email: [email protected]
Description of Services:
By providing the needed experience to switch to self-directed retirement plans, IRA Resource Associates, Inc, can help investors chart a new and potentially more profitable course for their retirement years. IRA Resource Associates Inc., finds sound investments for self-directed Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs), KEOGHs, and SEPs funds in real estate, trust deeds, notes and selected real estate limited partnerships. See our new offerings at
IRA Resource Associates Inc. is one of very few companies to offer expertise in investment real estate for self-directed retirement accounts – from assistance in selecting a custodian and handling all the paperwork to finding the appropriate real estate investment for your IRA. And IRA Resource Associates is on top of the latest changes in the fields of IRAs and investing as you will see in our President’s new book on IRAs and real estate. IRA Wealth, by Patrick W. Rice is the definitive book on IRA investing with real estate, available at our website.
As specialists in investing for IRA clients since 1986, IRA Resource Associates Inc. maintains a national network to locate high quality real estate and real estate related investments for its clients. From this network we find notes and deeds of trust for those investors looking for cash flow. For those looking for wealth building we find real estate and development projects suitable for IRA investing. We truly are a national company that develops interesting and profitable investments throughout all of the United States.
If you have an investment that needs financing or equity assistance, IRA Resource Associates Inc., also helps developers and project managers secure funding for their projects.