August 2024 BAWB Regular Monthly Meeting - BAWB - Bay Area Wealth Builders

August 2024 BAWB Regular Monthly Meeting

August 15th, 2024
6:30 Pm Free Pizza and Networking Begins – So Come Early if you can
7:00 Pm Promptly the Formal Meeting starts and ends by approx. 9:00 Pm

Real Estate Q & A Free for All

Plan to join us Thursday 8-15-2024 for our
Regular Monthly BAWB meeting.

Occasionally we put on a unique Program where many of our attendees
frequently make comments such as this;
“It is one of the most beloved meetings we’ve attended…”
There is NO Formal Topic
There is NO Formal Speaker
There is NO Formal Presentation
There is NO Sales Pitch
There is NOTHING being SOLD

If you’ve been attending our BAWB meetings for any length of time (and we are now about to enter our 25th year) you know that we have a LOT of VERY experienced and talented DOER’s who tend to show up.
Yes there is is a LOT of Experience and Wisdom in the room.

Experience is gained knowledge thru direct participation or observation.
Experience contributes to the development of Wisdom.
It’s been said; “Wisdom Comes from Experience” Terry Pratchett

Q & A is an exchange where persons or a group of people asks questions and
our moderator or other groups of people address them.

This Month we will be holding a Real Estate Q & A Free for All

Some of you have specific nagging questions you’d like to get some opinions & feedback to… others may have Burning questions such as;

  • You are Curious about the market?
    How can I use Leases and Options to Control property?
  • What might be the Best approach for me and my situation?
  • How do you measure Risk Vs Reward?
  • Where can I safely Deploy capital…
  • How & Where Can I consistently find GOOD DEALS?
  • What is better; Wholesaling properties, Fix N Flipping, Buy and Hold, Lending, Real Estate Notes, Syndication’s, REITS, etc.
  • What type of Financing is available for different Investment Scenarios
  • How can I KEEP more of what I earn ?|
  • AND so on and so on…

Remember; It’s not just about what we know,
but about understanding HOW and WHEN to apply that knowledge
to achieve greater success or more positive outcomes…

Join us for this fun, interactive Real Estate Q & A Free for all
Don’t Miss It!