September BAWB Regular Monthly Meeting - BAWB - Bay Area Wealth Builders

September BAWB Regular Monthly Meeting

September 19th, 2024
6:30 Pm Free Pizza and Networking Begins – So Come Early if you can
7:00 Pm Promptly the Formal Meeting starts and ends by approx. 9:00 Pm

10 Ways to Find Under Valued
Properties and Off Market Deals …

It could be the result of Economic Slow Down, Geo Political concerns, Stock Market Volatility, Extreme Housing affordability issues,Buyer Fatigue, disruptive NEW Real Estate commission structures, the Pending Election, or Seasonality.

The Bay Area housing market seems to be in a state of Flux, influenced by competing forces. While significant price drops seem unlikely in the near future, a period of slower growth or a slight correction is possible.
There are several possible market scenarios that might play out moving forward.

Lower Interest Rates haven’t increased sales…
Many markets around the country and even a few here locally are now seeing large increases in MSI– Months Supply of Inventory thereby shifting more towards a Buyers favored environment.

Upswing markets that run on and on make many look like Real Estate
Geniuses but as Warren Buffet is quoted as saying;
“Only when the tide goes out do you discover
who’s been swimming naked.”

The KEY is always to BUY Right
Buying RIGHT at a Discounted price is being Smart.

Off Market properties give BUYERS an edge.
They require some know how and legwork to uncover but
they exist is almost every marketplace.
Join us this Month as will discuss this market Flux and
10 Ways to Find Under Valued Properties and Off Market Deals.