January 2024 - BAWB - Bay Area Wealth Builders

January 2024

January 2024

BAWB Regular Monthly Meeting 


6:30 Pm Networking Begins – So Come Early if you can
7:00 Pm the Formal Meeting starts and ends by approx. 9:00 Pm

Thursday January 18th,2024

No One Has a Crystal Ball
WHAT will happen with our Real Estate Markets in 2024
Many Economists Agree- Interest Rates have Peaked BUT will they come down?

Inflation ? Deflation? Lower Rates? More Buyer & Seller Activity?
Election Year Jitters…
What will happen to the Value of the Dollar?

Will Home Buyers Catch a Break this year or
Will Demand Continue to Outweigh Supply?

The RISK of Recession and Volatility is HIGHER than Ever.

Will there Be a Bumpy Road Ahead…

There are New Threats and always Opportunities emerging.
This Month we will touch on how a number of these factors will affect the Real Estate Markets in 2024

Learn to PROTECT, PRESERVE and PROFIT in 2024
We all know you should Save to Preserve your Capital and Invest to Grow your Capital

Can you afford the potential for a MAJOR market correction?
How would a 30% to 50% shift in the markets affect your nest egg and current plans for the future?

Whether you are just Starting out or have been in the Real Estate Game a LONG time
we will discuss the (6) Six Steps to PAY NO TAXES on your investments

Hall of Fame Hockey Great Wayne Gretzky famously was quoted as saying;
“Skate to Where the Puck is Going…” 

Join us at our January 18th 2024 Regular Monthly Meeting to
gain insights on Where the Puck is going!